D15 series(adjustable thermostat)

WPF25R-L1 Cold thermostat

Classification: Thermal protector

Product model:WPF25R-L1 Cold thermostat

Product Features: 

Rated voltage/current: AC250V/6A;
Setting temperature range:-35~15°C;
Withstand Voltage:AC2000V/0.5mA/1S;
Lifetime:50.000 Cycles

Working principle: The action of the steam pressure bellows acts on the spring, The spring force is controlled by the knob on the control board, Capillary tubes are placed in the refrigerator freezer, React to the temperature of the indoor circulating return air. When the temperature rises to the set temperature, The expansion of temperature sensing agent gas in capillaries and corrugated pipes, Extend the bellows and overcome the spring force to connect the switch contacts, At this point, the compressor is running, System cooling, Until it drops to the set temperature again, Temperature sensing bag gas contraction, The contraction of the bellows acts together with the spring, Place the switch in the off position, Cut off the motor circuit of the compressor. Repeat this action, Thus achieving the purpose of temperature control.

Widely used in household appliances: refrigerators, refrigerated display cabinets, water dispensers, and other products.

Cold thermostat is a core accessory of household or industrial appliances, used to control its temperature range and regulate temperature. According to the functional requirements of the electrical appliances, it is possible to add low-temperature resistance function, antifreeze function, thermal compensation function, secondary dry burn protection function, and grounding terminal.

Model: D15 Series

Product Type: Temperature Control Switch

Temperature control range: -35~15°C

Operation temperature:±5℃

Reset temperature: -15℃±3

Operation structure: Manual reset

Contact type: NC/NO

Lead length: 660±40